Saturday, March 19, 2011

Westchester Court System!

Hi World,
I'm not sure how many of you are aware of the Westchester court systems procedures on gaining custody of your child especially if you’re the father fighting for your child. If it was a mother fighting for their child and divorcing the deadbeat father the court would grant her the child immediately, but for a father fighting for sole custody of the child the court has put obstacles in the way so the father has to fight like hell for his own child. Many father's would just give up and call it quits and let the child fall into the system, but this father has gone through the ringer and he's still fighting after four years in this bad system.

I have names of the people within the court system that you need to avoid. If for any reason you are in the system trying your case in Westchester Family Court, you need to check this blog out and let me know your experiences so I can write about it. Please add your comments and I'll see to it that your views are read.

Thank you All,
Sign Anonymous

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